ICCF logo ICCF Holland - helping children in Uganda English

Gifts for children and families

Besides providing the children with schooling and medical care, we also like to give them something extra now and then. Make them happy!

Below is a list with the most common gifts and their price. Some are for one child, others are for the whole family.

Shoes & Clothing (primary school) $20
Shoes & Clothing (secondary school) $30
Goat $30
Gift Basket (once, see below) $25
Gift Basket (twice, see below) $50
Bed Set (mattress, blanket, sheets) $50
Cow $160
Latrine $150 - $200
Kitchen $230 - $600
House $900 - $2400

Gift basket contains: sugar, salt, soap, paraffin, toothpaste, rice, tea, curry spices, matches, etc. "twice" means two baskets are given separated by a couple of months.

For methods transfering money see the donation page. Please mention "special gift". Adding the name of a child is optional. If you don't mention a name we will select the most needy families and children.

For comments on the ICCF Holland pages and for more information contact Helena Posthumus (Helena AT iccf-holland DOT org).
Information about these pages, privacy, etc.:   colofon
These pages are available at:   iccf-holland.org     www.iccf.nl